Monday, April 23, 2007


Certificate with antique value

Discovered by Sherlok.D.Raj. Humbly posted on his request by Teddy

Hi Teddy, Thanks for posting the antique certificate signed by the old battle axe, N. Barnard! I recognise that signature so well! I remember Ann Colcraft. Richard, my grandma and myself stayed with her for a while after our houses were sold. We were very intrigued by Ann's husband Jimmy Lemeur! He was a real prize fighter and knew how to use his rock hard fists. Jimmy used to tell us tales of a cousin of his who had married a girl from the Irula tribe and lived in an Irula hut in Marapalam. He became chief of the Irulas and helped them in their hooch business. The excise guys were always trying to raid the Irula stash of illicit liquor, but the Lemeur king always outfoxed them!
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