Sunday, September 23, 2007


The Wreckers have a go at Bedford Circle

The widening of Bedford circle, some familiar places lose their facade

Thanks to the person who posted these pics. of Bedford circle. I looked at it with a twinge of sadness! India's economic boom seems to have bypassed little Coonoor! The same ramshackle tin roofs and narrow doorways! Is it a lack of capital or just lethargy and inertia? There seems to be no yearning to improve or beautify one's surroundings! But then some might want it this way!

Hi Peter,
Coonoor is its lethargic self. Some old buildings still stay on with 250-300 Rs rent..Royal Tailors still there, Brightex is not seen, Davis is now Jayaprakash. Jayalakshmi Vilas is still there only pathway got soem tin covering which has been partly ripped off
How sad to see Davis Hotel in this tawdry state.
Does any one clean up after the wreckers?In Cochin, the drains are cleared just a few weeks before the monsoon.Along the roads , there are stinking piles of muck lifted out of the drains.The dirt is not removed and it stays and stays and finally when the rains come, back it goes into the gutters. Will the rubble in Coonooor be treated the same way.

Can you tell us about the decline and fall of Bedford theatre? What happened to the owners?
Who is the owner of Bedford theatre?
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